Strauss Heart Drops Worked For Customer
Posted by Dave Fuller on
Heart issues can be troubling and we often hear about customers who have tried pharmaceutical drugs and either don't like the side effects or would like to try something natural. One of the products that has been around for a couple decades in Ave Maria and Mothers that has been getting great results is Strauss Heart Drops. Here is a Testimonial by one of our customers. " My wife who is 76 years old start6ed using Strauss heart drops last year and she was literally half dead. Within a 1/2 hour of taking her first dose of Strauss Heart Drops...
Vinpo Worked for Our customer for memory loss
Posted by Dave Fuller on
"I am 83 and have been using AOR Vinpo 15 for a few months now and have noticed that my memory recall has really improved. I hope you will continue to carry this product." -AB
TV can make You Fat
Posted by Dave Fuller on
Watching action packed shows can make you gain weight faster than watching talk shows a new study found. The study from Cornell University found that people eat much more snack food while watching action films and programs than something less exciting like Charlie Rose for example The researchers found that them more distracting the movie the more people ate. The study included 94 undergraduate students who were provided with M&Ms, cookies, carrots and grapes while they watched 20 minutes of television. One-third of the participants watched a segment of the action movie "The Island" while another third watched the...
Flora Super Adult Probiotic helped blocked bowls
Posted by Dave Fuller on
Here is testimonial by one of our customers "I was taken to emergency with my bowels blocked up, in considerable pain and a fever of 103 C. Doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong. A friend suggested probiotics. I started taking Flora’s Super Advanced Adult Probiotic and it completely healed up." DT Prince George
Pycnogenol stopped Ringing in the Ears for 87% after 6 months
Posted by Dave Fuller on
A recent study on Meniere's Disease or Ringing in the ear using pycnogenol had incredible results taking 50 mgs 3 x per day.In the study 45% of participants found that they had no ringing in the ear after 3 months using the pycnogenol which comes from pine bark. After 6 months 87% were symptom free. The study was published in June 2014 issue of Minerva Medica. Meniere’s Disease is characterized by an inner ear disorder that causes vertigo, hearing loss and tinnitus, or ringing of the ear . Meniere’s Disease often results in sudden attacks of nausea, vomiting, inability to walk...